In 2017 Saudi Arabian Crown Prince MBS bought Leonardo Da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi painting for a record setting $450m. The price and buyer caught the world by surprise. Prior to the sale, the painting had been valued at $80m.  The painting was supposed to shown in September 2018 at the new Louvre in Abu Dhabi. This did not happen. Rumors started floating around that the painting had been lost. presents a thesis that painting has a connection to the Mueller’s Russia investigation.

Questions are being raised. First, why did the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, an art novice, buy the masterpiece? Secondly, why did he overpay for it by $300 million? Even for the stupendously wealthy Prince Mohammed bin Salman, that’s not just a simple rounding error. How do you misplace a $450 million painting anyway?

We can also reveal Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating both the buyer and the seller of the Da Vinci masterpiece as part of the Trump-Russia investigation. explain how a meeting at Trump Tower arranged by Eric Prince attended by Joel Zamel & George Nader and Don Jr. might be of importance as Mr. Nader was an emissary for the Saudi and UAE princes. writes;

Nader began his pitch. The Saudi and Emirati princes “were eager to help your father win election as president,” Nader said. He said Zamel’s Psy Group was particularly successful at social media manipulation and the two crown princes would bankroll a multi-million dollar plan drawn up by Zamel, to help elect his father president.

Not surprisingly Don. Jr. “responded approvingly” to the pitch, according to the New York Times but he later claimed he turned down the offer.

Mueller subpoenaed the Cypriot bank accounts of the Psy-Group in 2018. Shortly thereafter the company closed its operations. points out that Mr. Nader is now cooperating with the Mueller investigation.

The seller of the painting Mr. Rybolovlev is according to close to Kremlin.

The corruption investigations into Rybolovlev may connect his finances directly to the Kremlin. Especially if they prove he manages the assets of Russian deputy premier Yuri Trutnev, as claimed in Der Spiegel in November. Rybolovlev occupies the same proximity to Putin as Oleg Deripaska, making him extremely rich and powerful and a loyal ally of the Russian president.

Mr. Rybolovlev a close associate of the Kremlin was able to sell a painting $300m more than what it was valued raises some questions. presents a theory that the painting might be a key to the election investigation. They write;

The whereabouts of Salvator Mundi remain unknown; there are no plans to exhibit the artwork; the mystery of what happened at auction is deepening and Mueller’s relentless investigation into Psy-Group continues. These are all things that suggest to me there is much more to discover about the August 3 meeting and the Saudi, UAE and Israeli involvement in Trump-Russia.

The entire affair supports the new prevailing theory about the direction of the Mueller investigation.

Up until now, Robert Mueller’s focus has been squarely on Russian collusion but as citizens from other countries are implicated, it seems the Special Counsel has widened his purview from just collusion with Russia, to collusion with a multi-nation alliance of at least four countries including Russia, Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates and Israel.

Gregg Smith, the former CEO of Prince’s Frontier Services Group told me this week he believes “the Israelis, Emiratis and Saudis all had a role and [Erik] Prince was [Steve] Bannon’s conduit to them.”

There can be no certainty when the game is subterfuge, and we need to wait for Mueller’s final report before we reach any conclusions, but if Leonardo’s Salvator Mundi proves to be a key which helps unlock Trump-Russia, “Savior of the World” could prove to be nothing short of prophetic.