China – CSI 300 not doing much but up. Note that the Chi Next index is up 3.5%, this “growth” index, trades above the 50 day for the first time since May, and seems to take out the negative trend here.

The Yuan is almost back all the way to where this last sharp started.

Euro big candle down, trading at levels not seen since mid-2017. Next bigger support at 1.11.

Oil – interesting px action over past 2 days. Important how we close today.

FTSE vol vs VStoxx vol ratio at highest since July.

SA oil barrels per day table. Average of 7 mill barrels per day, half a million is basically month to month swing.

JPY vs VG1 been moving in tandem this year, until the gap started forming during the Oct sell-off. We are seeing the JPY reverse off that huge 114 level today. Watch the reversal in JPY carefully, as well as the big VG1 3200 lvl here.

Apple – a trend from 2016 just above the 180 level. 200-day average at 195. Last big gap up from AUG started at 192 ish.

NASDAQ – 50 day crossed 100 day a few days ago, both now negatively sloping. 200-day flat slope. Big support at 7k but there is a smaller lvl at 7200 worth watching.

VIX 1 mth vs 6 mth spiking further. Seems this is the new “normal” look of the VIX curve.