The soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo is being accused of rape in an explosive article from German newspaper Der Spiegel. The victim accuses him of rape, which occurred at a Las Vegas hotel in 2009. The paper appears to have documentations that collaborate the accusations. Ronaldo denies the allegations. The famous soccer star signed with Italian soccer club Juventus earlier this year. If there is any truth to the allegations, it would be detrimental both for Ronaldo, and the publicly listed soccer club Juventus.

Cristiano naldo, the renowned soccer player who has 5 times been voted world’s best player has been accused of rape in U.S. as the victim steps forward. German newspaper Der Spiegel writes;

An American woman claims Cristiano Ronaldo raped her in Las Vegas. Years ago, the soccer star paid her to remain silent. Now, the woman is going public for the first time and filing a complaint against Ronaldo. She possesses a document that could be extremely dangerous for him. 

Ronaldo had paid the woman $375,000 to keep quiet, but she has now decided to step-forward to talk about the event that happened in 2009 in Las Vegas at the Palm Casino. WSJ notes;

That is where, Ms. Mayorga alleged, Ronaldo exposed himself to her in a bathroom and then forced himself on her while she begged him to stop, the filing states. The complaint adds that “when Cristiano Ronaldo completed the sexual assault of the plaintiff, he allowed her to leave the bedroom stating he was sorry, he was usually a gentleman.”

Der Spiegel have obtained documents in which Ronaldo himself seems to confirm the victims account. They continue;

A list containing hundreds of questions was submitted to Ronaldo, his brother-in-law and his cousin. In the document, Ronaldo is referred to as “X” while Kathryn Mayorga is referred to as “Ms. C.”

In one version from December 2009, Ronaldo speaks of consensual sex and that there had been no indication that she wasn’t OK with it during sex nor did it seem that she wasn’t doing well afterward.

But there is another, much earlier version. It is the document that could have serious consequences for Ronaldo. It was sent via email in September 2009

In the document, X says that she was lying on her side. “I entered her from behind. It was rude. We didn’t change position. 5/7 minutes. She said that she didn’t want to, but she made herself available.” And further: “But she kept saying ‘No.’ ‘Don’t do it.’ ‘I’m not like the others.’ I apologized afterwards.”

Ronaldo accused all of this being fake news. He posted on a Video on his Instagram;

“What they said today: fake, fake news,” Ronaldo said in a video posted via Instagram Live on Sunday. “They want to be famous, to say my name. It’s part of the job. I’m a happy man and all good.”

These are very serious allegations. According to Der Spiegel article, it appears that the woman has a good legal standing.

Ronaldo, transferred to the Italian soccer club Juventus earlier this summer on a record-breaking deal. On that day, Juventus share-price jumped 11%. Its share price is up over 100% since the announcement. You can as a club insure player’s knees but hedging for black swans like this one could possibly turn out to be is hard to hedge.

Source: Bloomberg